









ペンスはまた、ロシアにマドゥロの支持を撤回し、1月に暫定大統領に就任したワシントンが後援する野党党首であるフアン・グアイド氏に立ち向かうよう求めた 。

トランプは水曜日にグアイドの妻、ファビアナロサレスと会い、彼女の夫に彼の支援を約束した。 大統領選挙のための彼の演劇の勢いが活気づいた後、グアイドは火曜日にロシア軍を歓迎することによって国の憲法に違反することでベネズエラの指導者を非難してマドゥーロ政府を批判し続けています。


米当局者は、グアイドとマドゥーロの権力闘争への介入に対してロシアに繰り返し警告してきた。 国家安全保障顧問のジョン・ボルトン氏は月曜日に、 「米国は西半球の民主主義、安全保障、法の支配という共通の目標に敵対する敵対的な外国軍事勢力を容認しない」と述べた。



Trump Warns Russia To Gets Its Troops Out Of Venezuela “All Options Are Open”


US President Donald Trump said today that Russia must get out of Venezuela and warned that “all options are open” in order to achieve this goal.

Around 100 Russian troops touched down in Caracas on March 23 under the terms of a 2001 cooperation treaty between the two countries.
It was also a show of support for the government of President Nicolas Maduro.

the Russian Foreign Ministry said that the deployment was carried out “in strict accordance with the constitution of that country and with full respect for its legal norms.”

RT reports: The move caused consternation in Washington, however, with Vice President Mike Pence calling the deployment an “unnecessary provocation.”

Pence also called on Russia to withdraw its support of Maduro and “stand with Juan Guaido,” the Washington-sponsored opposition leader who declared himself interim president in January.

Trump met with Guaido’s wife, Fabiana Rosales, on Wednesday, and pledged his support to her husband. After the momentum behind his play for the presidency fizzled out, Guaido has continued to criticize Maduro’s government, on Tuesday accusing the Venezuelan leader of violating the country’s constitution by welcoming the Russian troops.

The Russian Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, insisted that the deployment was carried out “in strict accordance with the constitution of that country and with full respect for its legal norms.”

US officials have repeatedly warned Russia against intervening in the Guaido/Maduro power struggle. National Security Adviser John Bolton tweeted on Monday that the “United States will not tolerate hostile foreign military powers meddling with the Western Hemisphere’s shared goals of democracy, security, and the rule of law.”

  Niamh Harris

Writer at Your News Wire